How trust converts brand advertising to sales

Brands can engender trust simply by being seen and heard. Consistent brand marketing directly affects how willing someone is to trust and shortlist your product or service. Here’s how.

What the newspaper you read can teach you about the importance of brand positioning

A few years ago I made the conscious decision to stop watching the news on TV. Perhaps it was the groundhog day formula of ‘international war, opposition says the Government made a stupid mistake, sport, sport, sport, heartwarming kitten story’ or that it was increasingly easy to find news from other sources – online new sites, Twitter and opinion blogs that provided a sense of balanced perspective on the news.

Emotional Marketing – B2B technology customers need cuddles too.

Two years ago I read The Millionaire Next Door, the revised, revised, revised edition. Why didn’t they revise the title? What’s one million dollars going to buy…one house! Anyway if you haven’t read it let me save you $9.45 on the Kindle version and tell you in six words how to be rich – Be quite tight with your money.

Think of your brand as an iceberg

I love Nandos. Cheeky, funny advertising, reasonably priced high quality food with friendly staff who know their free range (happy before dying) chicken. Their irreverent brand can be seen from their salt shakers through to their TV advertising. Beautiful marketing. The only thing that stops me eating a chicken pita everyday is their bathroom.

How to find your brand tribe: keep it wheel

brand tribe

Drive down Beach Road at 8am on a weekend and you see them in their hundreds. Some might say lycra clad lemmings, others would say “lycra is very practical, and we’ll see who laughs last when we’re all 80 and you can’t get out of a chair.” They are my tribe, and we are very loyal to our tribe.