Show off: boastfully display one’s abilities or accomplishments

– Oxford Dictionary

In the days of healthy self esteem and self actualisation, of positive parenting and praise. I’d like to reflect back to not so long ago when one of the biggest crimes in suburban Australia was to be ‘Up yourself’. That’s right one of the worst things that could be thrown in your direction was ‘YOOOUUUU LOVE YOURSELF’. Usually followed by ‘right Sharon?’

Young and old alike were terrified of encouraging a society of raging narcissist zombies who were going to eat them alive with their self obsession.

So as a Gen X being brought up in the era of ‘for goodness sake stop showing off’ I’m slightly uncomfortable in saying that here at the Revery, we have had a RIP SNORTER of a financial year. Using a combination of brand strategy and content marketing services our clients and our agency have achieved solid uplifts in lead generation and revenue and despite my better judgment I am going to tell you about it.


Show off #1: Noojee

Noojee had one of the best if not the best Cloud Telephony SaaS products in the market. Their customers knew it, they knew it and after spending an hour with them we knew it. Problem was that no one searching on-line knew it. Noojee’s current strategy was heavily reliant on Adwords and although the click through rate wasn’t bad bounce rate was high.


Noojee’s objective was to increase conversion and generate more leads.

Our approach:

We needed to make Noojee’s digital world as top of the market as their software and then create for them an on-going lead generation machine using our content marketing services. Our reccomendation:

1) give Noojee a solid brand positioning and uncover key customer insights for content

2) update their design by creating a new logo and design elements

3) create a new website and content focussed on customer benefit driven language and built in SEO.

4) set up on-going search engine optimisation

5)  audit AdWords revising targeting and creativity of Ads served

6) launch on-going content marketing campaigns

7) create a content amplification strategy and execute

The pretty stuff:


The Results :

After completing the brand positioning, brand design, website, SEO and AdWords optimisation results were:

Leads to Noojee up by 300%

Increased lead quality – higher qualified leads and leads from larger businesses

After completing 6 months of Inbound marketing results were:

Unique website visits +32%

Industry targeted social media traffic (LinkedIn) +2275%

Facebook traffic +550%

Adwords clicks +17%

Pipeline leads + 104%*

Immediate leads + 37%**

* Total leads  in sales funnel ** Leads at end of sales funnel to be actioned immediately

We are now heading into the 7 month of Inbound marketing for Noojee and given inbound takes 6-12 months to hit its strides we are pretty pleased with the results.


Show off #2: DonRiver

DonRiver is a global firm that works with some of the world’s largest communication providers (including Telstra) to help build and manage their OSS (the complex set of backend systems that run telephone, mobile and internet services).

Both as consultants and software providers in this complex world, they needed help explaining quickly and effectively what they did.


To create a brand to used across DonRiver’s sales tools that could be understood easily and immediately at all levels of management.

Our approach:

To put DonRiver and the Telco industry under the microscope, dig through all the complication and come up with a clear brand positioning that would provide a platform for DonRiver to talk about their business in a way people would understand.


Turns out the legacy OSS systems inside Telcos were a great big nightmare. Millions of dollars were being thrown at big cumbersome systems every year because of the exorbitant price of transformation, new systems were being added to try and improve the process, systems that often couldn’t talk to each other. A huge of amount of developer resource time was being spent pulling data from these outdated systems rather than working on the data.

Turns out what DonRiver created was revolutionary. Software that was able to sit over the top of the legacy systems and pull the data at a 1/3 of the time. No need to add anything or move anything. Simple.

We positioned DonRiver as

Changing the face of OSS through simplicity

then set about giving them video, white papers and sales tools that would assist in the sales pitch to make it clear to their target audience what DonRiver were about.

Here’s what we did:



A few months after we created a brand and collateral for DonRiver they won the Vodafone account. Although we have no data to prove it, we like to take a little bit of the credit for it anyway.


Show off #3: The Revery

In June 2015 we decided to shift out own marketing up a notch. We already felt our brand positioning ‘The Human face of Technology’ was rock solid. Our website was lookin’ the goods and we had a base level of SEO. However we were were looking to do more work around the sales funnel like increasing awareness and purchase consideration.

Our approach:

We used the content marketing services in our wheel house to create and approach for ourselves that included

– increased focus on SEO

– small Adwords spend while waiting for SEO to build

– content marketing with religious dedication to blogging

– amplification of content

The results: 

Website traffic + 160775%

Revenue + 102%

Happy days filled with sunshine and laughter + 50%

Ok so that’s it, show is officially OVER.


I will now swear to stay off the tables, talk quietly and be a good listener. Unless of course there is champagne…… then clear the dance floor and form a circle because I’M COMING IN!