The power of niche marketing
Consider: you live in Northcote, Portland or East London. You have a fine, full manly beard, a fixie and visions of selling sushi tacos or vegan jackfruit pulled pork sandwiches. You’re looking for some advice. What message do you think is more likely to catch your eye: ‘How to set up a new business’ or ‘10 steps to crushing it with a killer food truck’?
4 reasons your viral content won’t go viral (and what to do instead)
To find out how to make your carefully planned ‘viral’ content actually go viral, you could consult Google ( 47 million references and counting). But when it comes to getting your content to go viral, you could also probably learn a lesson or two from some of the world’s largest content producers.
Emotional Marketing – B2B technology customers need cuddles too.
Two years ago I read The Millionaire Next Door, the revised, revised, revised edition. Why didn’t they revise the title? What’s one million dollars going to buy…one house! Anyway if you haven’t read it let me save you $9.45 on the Kindle version and tell you in six words how to be rich – Be quite tight with your money.
6 brands proving B2B content doesn’t need to be boring
In the hierarchy of marketing, there is an unofficial ranking of ‘cool’ brands to work for. Top of the list? Luxury brands and beer (nothing surprising there). Middle of the pack might be banking – big budgets, and looks good on the CV too. And way, way down the bottom of the list you’ll probably find B2B firms.
What type of content EXACTLY, should your content agency be creating for B2B Tech?
Content, content, content. People are constantly yabbering on about content (there it is again). But exactly what type of content do tech companies need to be producing. Well to clear the fog we’ve put together a list of the type of content we as a content agency use to get our clients from Zero to Hero with their customers.